serpent ring # 1 by LOGOS 373
serpent ring # 2 by LOGOS 373
serpent ring # 3 by LOGOS 373
serpent ring # 4 by LOGOS 373
serpent ring # 5 by LOGOS 373
serpent ring # 6 by LOGOS 373
serpent ring # 7 by LOGOS 373
serpent ring # 8 by LOGOS 373
serpent ring # 9 by LOGOS 373
how to measure your hand guide

Kundalini Serpent Power Ring


There is a power in man, a secret power. Philosophically, she is the creative energy that eventually forms mind and matter. In terms of Tantric practice, she is the mysterious power that resides in the human body and can be awakened through suitable techniques of meditation and yogic practices.
The Hindus called it Kundalini from “kundala” which means “coiled” for her form is that of a coiled and sleeping serpent in the lowest centre, at the base of the spinal solumn.
For these reasons, one of the very first westerners who had studied the inner mysteries of yoga, pranayama and tantra, Arthur Avalon, has called it, the ‘Serpent Power’.

The arising of the serpent within us signifies the awakening of the body to spiritual matters, as well as the beginning of a better alignment of the soul with the body’s potential.
This secret serpent is not activated on its own. Often, its unfolding is the result of practice. One of the most important practices is remembrance. And one way for the magician/witch to remind themselves is to carry relevant symbols.

Symbols are the special language of the unconscious mind and the way of communication between consciousness and the invisible functions of the soul as well as the astral body with all the subtleties.
By wearing symbols we remind our unconscious nous that we seek an open communication with it and by extension with what transcends us.
By having symbols on us, we bridge the distance of the two sides, and through its image we activate the meaning that the symbol represents.

By having all the above in mind, the creative synergy of the artistic workshop LOGOS 373 offers to all practitioners of western occultism, Left Hand Path, as well as yoga, a very special design of the infinite serpent symbol. A tangible sign of remembrance for the serpent power that can and must be raised…

Rise, O my snake! It is now is the hour
Of the hooded and holy ineffable flower.
Rise, O my snake, into brilliance of bloom
On the corpse of Osiris afloat in the tomb!
[Aleister Crowley, Liber Cordis Cincti Serpente]

The Ring is sculpted on stainless steel and comes in three different sizes: 23 (20 mm) | 26 (21 mm) | 29 (22 mm)

Please find in the attached photos two simple methods for you to measure your finger and choose the right ring.

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