Magickal Implements
Inspirational Books
Art of the Sacred
Magickal Implements
Inspirational Books
Art of the Sacred



This page belongs to an artist with the precise meaning of the term -he who summons [the Noble] through the art- hence a Theurgist following the standards of his ancestors as Greece is the place he resides. As all creators, he used to work on the matter and has brought to light works of inspiration. But during this particular activity of his he was oblivious that, in essence, whatever he received and captured as a work of art, it was in fact the light of his own soul, which viewed the excellent. Thus, in a moment of revelation the creator turned away from the stone, the canvas, the brushes, the colors and anything else, and looked inwards listening to other sounds and saw different shapes. A complete angel was illuminating him with cosmic threads and universal teachings and since then the creator devoted himself to being a helper of that Source. The reward of that acceptance was the receiving of the gift of the name of His Lord – MELISSYIOS which means the son of the Bee. And just like the bee collects, he devoted himself into summoning every son of the Mother and thus create the Beehive. A nest of light from each one of the charismatic brother or sister, who can use the nectar of the soul to bring to the surface the aroma of his/her Greatness.

This page belongs to everyone, to every creator that gives consciously or unconsciously. To each one of the sons and the daughters of the Bee. To every Apollo that conceals a Dionysus, but, also, to every Dionysus that keeps the Apollonian inside him. And if life itself is the great unknown that is experienced with wonder, and if the mystery resides inside us, every answer is possessed and given by our own selves. Inside this route of self-awareness that overwhelms us, the movement is just one, the impulse -the work- the fulfilment that will bring to light the Light itself, the LOGOS.

Many years ago, this Secret Knowledge became a common reference point of charismatic people who tried to communicate the content of the Apocalypse, training to remember their Truth. From the past they have come to the present in which we belong, there is no distance as the Essence is conveyed and sets the constant Presence of an Impetus that never ceases to instill the Proof into people. “LOGOS 373” is a living Beehive and under that philosophy is coming to life. And it is not just a simple validation but a true experience that is pushing the conveyance of the “message” into the Action that will contribute to every Concern or Purpose of the people who follow their own Summons. Each Summons is a light that heats more that one spirit, like a Sun has the power to keep alive countless Stars.



The purpose of LOGOS is to make the eyes that beheld the Other and the voices that accepted the “message” heard and become a burning torch for the enlightenment of those who still seek the way. My aim is to familiarize all those who still consider life as the great unconquerable unknown with the recorded experience of the Truth. I believe in every mystery hidden in the soul, in every loud voice, but also in even its “weakest” whisper as everything is an answer to the Call of “who am I” .

This Summons refers to the mission of your work which is the only proof of your contact with the Other or your Within, so I can contribute to its conveyance to the public as a summons for more offers of beauty and art of brothers and sisters who search for the foothold, the Beehive.



Logos is the revealing of the presence for the poetics of this world. It’s manifestation, the sealing of an idea on the perceptible. Logos (the cause and the expression) of a work of art is the soul of its creator, just as this creator is the logos of a much greater artist.
When the logos of man pass on paper, as words or images, then it becomes a bridge, a living connection, a reification of the eternal pattern that intersperses the changeable…
In this way, a book is a talismanic tool, and I see it as such. That is why I trusted frater Euandros (a wordsmith, initiated to several schools of the occult and a fine psychoanalyst) for every book that our workshop produce, to be the result of deep dedication as it requires validity, accuracy and long study.
Books bearing the logo of our artistic workshop LOGOS 373 are printed on good paper of our choice, they are hand bound, crafted with original renderings, time-resistant, as well as numbered copies.
Similarly, my prints are wellsprings of inspiration of psychic origin that, through symbolic language, seek to communicate the depth of the infinite and the metaphysical. Works printed on valuable paper as their content.
The result that reaches the hands of the collector -books and high art prints- are much more than just beautiful objects conveying knowledge. They function as signposts in the soul’s search for the High and the Eternal. With this in mind, I named this art with the Greek compound word “Egrafodon” a composite meaning of write and way, signifying that as one writes he/she becomes a writer (a scribe of the voice that dictates to him/her) revealing thus the course of a soul that is changing its life, as well as the souls of others.



If Magick is the art of transformations, then anything material, tangible and specific, seen through the magical prism, committed to a different purpose, is being transformed and transforms. No stone devoted to the divine is limited to its natural existence. It is already a significant bridge between the human and the ideal. In the same way, no sound, no color, no taste, no fragrance ends in the obvious, but entails the higher quality that is now given to it as a purpose for the establishment of a relationship between the evident and the unspeakable.

And if anything can be used for the coordination of the human with the divine, then it’s the purpose of the artist who is devoted to the Holy, to materialize the most adequate of the tools suggested by different Traditions and Systems. “LOGOS 373” is flagrantly exploring the religious technology of the East and the West, regarding the ancient as well as the present world so as to offer to the ascetics of the esoteric and mystical Arts, the best and most beneficial regarding the quality of their Work.



From the days of ancient Egypt, when the priests wore white linen robes and leopard skins to give strength to the dead, the Jews who after YHVH guidance were a blue robe with ephod and precious stones, and the byzantine monks with their emblematic analavos, the distinction between secular time and devotion to the sacred – both with the practitioner’s body and soul – is signified by a special garment, a stole, an endyma. A cloth that differentiates the person and his/her action from the common and the conventional.
The Greek word “endyma” (garment) comes from En-dyo which means the personal submersion (dyo) of the one who is clothed in his/her uniqueness (en) for the revelation of that body which is at his/her will to come into living relationship with the divine.
As such, the ritual garment becomes the tangible testimony of the individual’s relationship with the Other. It witnesses the actual place of this relationship – the scheme of self-transcendence into a new way of being, this time with the Body of Light.
After persistent study of the religious technology of various esoteric teachings and traditions, as well as years of personal experience in different spiritual systems of Western occultism (such as Thelema, the polytheistic atrapos of Hekate, etc), my artistic workshop LOGOS 373 produces custom made magic Tau Robes, using high quality fabrics, with emphasis in details, with Wagnerian aesthetics in mind, beauty and tradition as our main criteria.
That is why we make Magic Robes faithful to the idea that they are not just clothes we wear to cover our nudity, or to feed our vanity. Their purpose is to reveal to the mage his/her symbolic dimension so that he/she is holistically (that is in body & soul) be in a position of a dynamic relationship with all that is subtle. We understand that Ritual Robes are actual magical synthimata that will mobilize deep in the soul those internal characteristics that will resemble the external elements of the divine types. Thus, we construct magickal implements with velvet, linen and marocain, in order to accomplish the most highest of theurgy.